We were supposed to start registering last week, but our initial trip turned into more like a discovery session. This discovery session took place at the Naperville BB&B since it is closer to us. While I assumed that was the right place to go, Marilyn said she did not want to go there, favoring the Downers Grove location instead. Since we were in that area already, I won and we stayed in Naperville. After walking the aisles of the Naperville BB&B, we found things that we liked and compared notes to make sure we were on the same page. We both left feeling good about what we found and decided to dive in again the following Sunday.
Well, today was that Sunday and since we went to breakfast in Wheaton, we chose the BB&B in Downers. I will say this once, and one time only: Marilyn was right. The BB&B in Downer's was superior to the Naperville location. Not only did the story have a better layout, but they even have this handy dandy section that is dedicated to wedding registration. They also had a huge section of fine China.
Once we got there, we went to the registration area and set everything up, with a woman named Marilyn, who was excited to meet another Marilyn. After getting past the Marilyn excitement, we spent an hour activating our account and learning how to use the little gun scanner. The BB&B Marilyn explained what we should look for and how much to look for, so we were off. Our first stop was the fine China section, which took awhile. We both found stuff that we liked, but kept going back and forth about how whether or not we need fine china. One key factor is the fact that Mar is going to inherit her grandmother's China when the time is right. Any advice would be appreciated.
After leaving the fine China section, we headed to cookware and started having some fun. We have found plenty of stuff that we like and gave the gun scanner a workout. Well, at this point we had be Beyond for going on three hours and we were both pretty tired, but we decided to hit up one for more section. We headed to the bath section and thought we knew what we were looking for. Unfortunately, the print we really like is being discontinued, so we looked around a little more. Usually this would not be problem, but we were exposed to the worst perfume I have ever smelled, apparently the poor woman that was wearing it has lost her sense of smell. It was so bad, that we both ended up developing the aforementioned headaches.
At this point, we were done. While we still have a bit more to do, it was a productive. Feel free to take a look if you want to see what we picked. Just go to the Bed, Bath & Beyond website.