Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Will Anyone Volunteer to Oil Down Andrew Before Each Shift?

Hello everyone. I know it has been awhile, but I had a moment of Zen a couple of days ago and that inspired me to write this post. Although I am not sure what made me think of this topic, I am glad that I did because it put a smile on my face.

The title of this post of course eludes to the dream that we all had eleven long years ago of starting our own restaurant and calling it Ivan's Inferno. If you do not recall this idea, here is a brief reminder. Once again, I do not know what started this concept, but for awhile, we talked about it quite a bit. The restaurant is supposed to be placed at the bottom of a ski hill (for some reason I want to say it will be in Colorado) and feature a deck that our patrons can ski up to after a nice day of hitting the slopes. The exact layout of the inside of the restaurant eludes me, but I do know that there was supposed to be a stage and at least two bars set up with tables in between.

Here are the roles of the people who are going to work at the inferno:

Christopher- Manager/Host. Since I have the gift of gab, I am going to circle the facility making sure our guests are entertained and having a good time.

Megan & Laura- Cocktail Servers. Looking back on this makes me feel a little bad since it is so gender biased, but that is what we came up with. However, I know both ladies are more than capable of this role.

Danny- Bartender. This was a given in those days. Let's just hope that in the name of profits, Danny will not pour with such a heavy hand when serving our patrons.

Todd- DJ. Once again, this seems like a natural fit. Just make sure you go easy on playing the Less Than Jake

John. Cook. If memory serves, which could be wrong, John was going to be behind the scenes making our delectable menu.

Brian C. - Bar Fly. Need I say more.

Brian J.- Finances. Who knew this would be such an accurate pick all those years ago.

Andrew- Bouncer. This is where the oiling comes in. The oiling will be a thankless job and not pay much, but someone has to do it.

Tony- N/A. I am not sure that Anthony was involved in this plan, but by the looks of it, we could use a couple of people to serve as our wait staff. Given the nimble hands that you have, you would be perfect for this position.

I know this sounds crazy, but what else would you expect from some bored high school. If nothing else, this was a fun memory from the times when we were care free and allowed to dream up such hair brained ideas. But who knows, The Inferno may come to be after all, only time will tell. Any suggestions about improvements or if anyone would like to join our ragtag team of misfits, please contact me and I will forward you an application.

My Simpsonization

My Simpsonization
Here is what I would look like in Springfield