Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Like Father, Like Daughter

Little Jenna Bush was on Larry King Live last night to promote her new book. During the interview, King asked her about the situation in Iraq and here is her answer. I will admit that Larry is not on the top of his game here, but it sounds like the apple didn't fall far from the tree in regards to Ms. Bush.


Anonymous said...

The link did not work to the website, but I can imagine what it said. I don’t understand why you are critiquing the opinion of the President’s daughter. She is not in a position to make decisions. Looking back, we should have asked Chelsea what her opinions were when her dad had three opportunities to kill Bin Laden, with almost 100% certainty and ACTUALLY said “Do not kill him”. When US Special Forces have a person in their crosshairs 500 yards away in a tent in the middle of a desert plain, they don’t miss! Clinton is the biggest reason we are in the Middle East, his passive tactics, trust everyone will do the right thing, is the cause. We really should question his daughter about what she was thinking.

I would also like to point out how Clinton did practically nothing when it came to North Korea wanting nuclear weapons. I remember that threat in high school. At least Bush almost completely eliminated the threat.

CubsFan said...

First off, I was not attacking Miss Bush's political tactics, but merely her "graceful" response to Mr.King's questions. I just found if funny that she appears to have taken lessons from her father when speaking in public. Secondly, the key word about the war in Iraq is almost, as in almost eliminating a perceived threat. Let's forget the fact that there were no WMD's.

My Simpsonization

My Simpsonization
Here is what I would look like in Springfield