Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Smokers Get Rights Too

So, you will probably be surprised that I am writing in favor of smokers rights, but I think these Californian towns are going a little too far. As we know, I am all for smokers being snuffed out in public places, but taking their rights away in private homes is ridiculous. If a private company decides to make their property smoking that is their prerogative, but the town or city should not make it law. This is taking away rights just like any other situation where choices and freedoms are taken away.


I have updated the link on this post to include the correct article. Once again, I am totally for banning smoking in public places, but if a person wants to smoke in their homes, they should have that right.


Lindqvist Family said...

I was not able to link correctly to read the article on banning smoking in California, but I absolutely disagree with you about your opinion that towns and cities shouldn't ban smoking. The whole state of AZ went smoke free on January 1st and it is fantastic. It's so nice to go to a bar or restaurant and not be subjected to second-hand smoke. You also aren't allowed to smoke within 20 feet of the entrance of any public building. I supposed smokers should have rights, but why should their rights trump my right to breathe clean air??

CubsFan said...

I agree with banning smoking in public places. These laws will prevent people from smoking in their own private condos, which is on the ridiculous side in my opinion.

Lindqvist Family said...

Ah, that makes more sense now that I was able to read the article. That is crazy. If people insist on killing themselves by smoking in their own home, they should be allowed. besides, how in the world do they plan on enforcing this law without infringing on the person's right to privacy in their own home? I thought that maybe you had temporarily lost your mind, promoting smokers rights and all....

CubsFan said...

My mind is firmly intact, even with the Cubs losing.

Anonymous said...

Why do you bring up 'private homes' and 'companies'? I don't believe these bans have anything to do with what you do in your private home. I think the people against the ban have somehow incorrectly convinced you that this will lead to a Big Brother smoking ban, which it will not.

CubsFan said...

This law will ban smoking in individually owned condos, which I do not agree with.

My Simpsonization

My Simpsonization
Here is what I would look like in Springfield