Thursday, April 17, 2008

An Ode To The Troughs

Those of us gentlemen that have been to Wrigley Field know the dirty secret of the men's bathroom, they contain troughs instead of urinals. While some guys love the trough, I don't care from them. Nonetheless, the trough is one of those "experiences" that everyone comes to know after visiting the Shrine. A little while back, our "friend" Andrew, and I only use the term friend because I cannot thing of something more appropriate shared this video with me (WARNING: PLEASE DO NOT VIEW IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH, THIS IS GROSS):

While the thought of doing this turns my stomach, it is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I understand that this will probably only appeal to us gentlemen that have experienced the troughs, so I apologize to those of us find who no entertainment in this video. You can simply blame Andrew.


*mar* said...

#1--That's freakin' gross...ew. I can't believe that anybody would ever do that.

#2--For that reason alone you should be a real fan... a SOX fan.

CubsFan said...

FYI- The old comiskey had the same system, so for all I know, this is a re-enactment of the original.

Colonel Sanders said...

How much would it stink to be the guy that got hit by that splash from the landing?!?!

Gotta love the troughs!

CubsFan said...

I hate the troughs.

Ben said...

Weak, I thought it was going to be a Wrigley trough video. Troughs at Wrigley would be way to small for this to work. Looked like a concert venue. That's my guess. Guy must have been HAMMERED. I don't think it would be possible for me to be that drunk. To get drunk enough for me to think that that was a good idea, I'd pass out first.

Sam W said...

Rumor has it that directly following this stunt, the guy went out for ice cream with two girls and a cup.

It must've been a trough night indeed.

My Simpsonization

My Simpsonization
Here is what I would look like in Springfield