Monday, May 26, 2008

Return of the King

The nineteen years was well worth the wait, at least in my humble opinion. We went and saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last Thursday and it was quite a thrill. I have been hotly anticipating the release of this flick, and Marilyn suggested that we see it on opening night. This was a total surprise to me, but whatever Baby wants, Baby gets. Anyway, the movie was a blast. It was not the best Indy movie, but I don't think it was the worst. Seeing Harrison Ford don the fedora and crack the whip made me feel like a kid again. Speaking of kids, I had an interesting conversation about this movie with some of my ninos.

One day, we were talking about summer plans and the kids asked me what movie I was looking forward to the most. Without blinking, I said Indy. They all seemed surprised that I was not looking the new Batman movie more than Indy, and I explained to them how I remember seeing Temple of Doom in th movie theater. This was apparently a big kick for them because they did started laughing right away, but I told them I was serious. That conversation made me realize how much that character brings me back to my youth, which I really enjoyed.

The bottom line is, go see the movie if you are an Indy fan. It was great fun, and Harrison clearly had a blast playing the role again. Shia Lebeof did a great job as his sidekick, and of course I loved seeing Karen Allen reprise her role as Marion Ravenwood. Some of the plot is a little wacky, but then again, we are talking about Indiana Jones. So, if you go see the movie, kick back and enjoy the ride. Three and a half stars.

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My Simpsonization

My Simpsonization
Here is what I would look like in Springfield