Sunday, December 14, 2008


Although I missed SNL last night for the sweater party, which I will post about soon, I saw this little segment today on the web and could not resist posting it for all of you to see. We all know about the current allegations that our esteemed governor is facing, but Seth Myers and Amy Poehler but a hilarious spin on it. Enjoy.


The Scientist said...

Love it! Thanks for posting the clip. John and I were laughing hysterically at it.

roxamox said...

Totally bummed I didn't get a chance to watch SNL last night, but did go on and look up this clip. It's pretty funny :) Thanks for sharing!

Mindy K said...

it was a pretty good SNL, with the multiple rips on blago and the state of illinois.

My Simpsonization

My Simpsonization
Here is what I would look like in Springfield