**sidenote**For those that don't know-- I am not working at the school or with the girl I was last year because the assistant principal, pretty much gave my job away. My job that they really wanted me back for (the teachers and the girl). REAL quick version: Talked to him on Monday (week before school starts) and he give me the run down of this girl they found to replace me. I told him that I was waiting to hear back from a different school--IN THE DISTRICT--about a teaching position (which he knows that I'm a certified teacher). I said to him, I'm going to be honest with you, they're supposed to call tomorrow and let me know. If I tell you yes now, and they call me tomorrow and offer me the job, I'll have to call you tomorrow and then tell you no. (I'm sure you see how this ended up). He told me he'll try to hold her off. I then get a call back (hm...2 1/2 hours later). The assistant principal leaves me a message and states, "Uh, good luck with your phone interview with Champagin and good luck with the other school in the district--we've offered the other girl the job." And that was it. Which is why I'm still looking for SOMETHING in October.**sidenote ended**
When I graduated in May of 2007, I never in a million years would have expected to have such a hard time finding a job. I mean, c'mon, I graduated with a teaching degree from Illinois State! ISU is a teacher's school! A teaching degree from ISU means you'll just find a job--no problem at all. Snap! Presto! You've got a job. UM, no. So, when I got my job last year in mid-September, I was so thankful. Then my **sidenote** happened the week before school started. *sigh* So lately, I've been searching for other jobs, something other than teaching. Which hasn't really gone all that well either--especially with this economy shaping up the way it is.
Needless to say, it was WONDERFUL being back at the school I worked at last year. I really, really miss it. I worked with *such* wonderful people last year, and it was great to visit with them. Also, most importantly, I got to see the girl I worked with last year! Who mind you was driving her wheelchair and screaming down the hallway towards me, "MISS MARILYN, MISS MARILYN!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE HERE!!" It truly warmed my heart.
But yesterday. Yesterday being back at school, seeing my girl that I worked with last year. Being back around the colleagues that I liked and admired so much made me think...how could I not teach? Really, what was I thinking? Everything happens for a reason right? What goes around comes around? The good, the bad, and the ugly? (I could come up with more.... )
The good: Graduating from ISU! Getting my job last year!
The bad: Having my job go to another.
The ugly: *sigh* This economy. I still need people to move! I need them to retire!
SO, my logic is...that everything DOES happen for a reason. What that reason is right not...not quite *too* sure. And I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around, that means "The Good" for me is right around the corner--right?
Just stay positive marilyn!!! The good is just right around the corner.
Mar, with your warm heart and positive energy, the right opportunity will come up soon...just hang in there!!! Sending you hugs,
Lisa :)
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