Tuesday, July 7, 2009

26 Days!!!

So, I'm just in the mood to type a bit before I hit the sack. Ramble on and on for a bit.... I guess y'all can enjoy my bit of wedding mumbo-jumbo.

I cannot believe that we are getting married in 26 days. 26 days!!!!!

This whole process has been kinda crazy. I've learned a lot about myself during this process. For example, it turns out I'm not that great of a decision maker when put on the spot, Chris will have plenty of stories to fill you in on -- you probably won't even have to ask! I mean, I can decide on important things, like the cake, there was no problem. :) Have me choose wood for plant stands that my dad is going to make, yeah...not the easiest. Partially because I'm too laid back! I'm like eh, use whatever! Or, eh, do whatever is easiest! Turns out when your planning a wedding people don't really like to have those types of responses. Another fun thing that I do is if a decision has been made I often like to add "a little something extra" on or switch my original thought or...yeah, you get the point. Oh, I've also learned how I really do procrastinate on things, and how my procrastination can totally affect others. I'm sure there are other things that I've learned as well, but those are a few that surfaced to the top of my brain right now. :)

What else...OH, I'm still having some crazy anxiety over changing my last name. Which I NEVER thought I'd have an issue with. When I was younger I was all ready to ditch my last name. But I don't know...now that it'll actually happen, it's just a weird concept for me to grasp and really think that I won't be Ms. B. to the kiddies. Mrs. O? Yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it. There won't be any hyphenating...I'll get over it, it's just weird.

Hm....all of the big stuff has been set in stone for awhile now, and now that we're in the final stretch we've got all these crappy little things that we've got to do now. Like pick ceremony music. Sounds like fun!? Eh, it's all right...all of the ceremony music is so cheesy. So not me. So not Chris. SEATING. We'll see how that pans out. I'm thinking that it'll be a big task. Fingers crossed it'll just fall into place?!

Getting response cards is SUPER fun! We're totally digging that! Makes checking the mail way fun.

My last dress fitting was Sunday the fifth. Everything went splendidly. I really love my dress. I'm actually contemplating wearing it all day August 2nd.

As we've been pulling photos together for our slide show it really made me realize a few things:
1) 8 years = a LOT of pictures
2) we've got some GREAT pictures
3) we've all had some truly GREAT times together over the years
4) we both have the best groups of friends ever.

And with number three and four being stated, I cannot wait to get married to the man that I love SO much in front of all of our best friends and our family. We are so, so, so, so lucky. Words can't even describe. I'm so excited! Can't wait to see all of your smiling faces in. . . 26 days!!!


Mindy K said...

can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teach said...

You are not alone in the decision making!

How exciting, we can not wait:)

Lisa said...

Hey Mar,

I'm a little behind the ball here, but I want you to know I enjoy your posts just as much as posts by your other half :)

The wedding was so, so, so great...and you were so, so, so beautiful!! And I'm super happy I was there to see it all in person.

You guys are the greatest...so glad we got to spend some time together this summer.

By the way, Mrs. O, I am totally digging your wedding CD - we've been listening to it just about every night through dinner and dishes...great collection of tunes!

Love ya,

My Simpsonization

My Simpsonization
Here is what I would look like in Springfield