Tuesday, February 5, 2008

No, Not The City In Alaska

I have waited to write this post for awhile, preferring for the film to actually come out and gain some steam before I wrote about it. Of course, the movie I speak of is Juno, and I cannot scream it loud enough: GO SEE THIS MOVIE. We saw this flick back in December at a special screening hosted by Fox Searchlight, the studio that released the film. Since that time, I have recommended it to anyone that would listen, even though it is about a sensitive topic. Juno is about a high school girl that gets pregnant and decides to give the baby up for adoption. The thing that has made this movie a tough sell for me is the fact that is takes a humorous approach when dealing with the topic of teenage pregnancy. I will say this once and for all: I do not promote teenage pregnancy, but I will not ignore the fact that it is a reality of the society that we live in.

is a heartfelt movie with a razor sharp script that makes you care about the protagonist and develop an understanding about how hard it may be to go through a similar situation. Once again, some people may not care for the approach to the topic, which can sometimes be carefree, but that is part of the movie's appeal. The ease with which the characters approach the arrival of the baby gives the film a very natural feeling, as opposed to to skirting the subject and giving in to how society might judge young Juno. The script that I mentioned is one of the freshest that I have heard in years, and provides enough laughs to keep you smiling. Along the way, Juno manages to put the audience at ease and allows for a wonderful movie experience.

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My Simpsonization

My Simpsonization
Here is what I would look like in Springfield